Business to Consumer Copwriting

My role in all instances was concept development, design, and copywriting.

Legacy Star Sell Book

Salon Reyna Brochure

Articles Published in Local Magazines

Product Packaging

The Escape™ Pro Bivvy provides dry, warm comfort you can trust. Engineered with revolutionary materials, the Escape Pro Bivvy's unique breathability allows condensation to escape so you stay dry inside. By reflecting 70% of your body's own warmth back to you, the Escape Pro Bivvy creates the ultimate cocoon of comfort. Use your Bivvy alone to 40 degrees; or use with a sleeping bag and remain warm at zero degrees and rest assured knowing your sleeping bag is also protected from the elements. You can rely on the Escape Pro Bivvy's shielding qualities and venture out with confidence. At only 8oz and with its compact design, its one little bivvy you can depend on!
Northwest Child Care Brochure

Local Ad

Back story of After Bite Mascot Professor Bugsbee
for corporate coloring book for children

The intent was to explain to the consumer why Professor Bugsbee (below) has the features of both a bee and a bunny (Bunny Bee).
It was Teddy’s big moment. The park was lit with sunshine, the birds were singing, the bees were buzzing, and the ball was high in the air. “Catch it Teddy!” all the children yelled. Teddy’s father Ken was watching from the bench, and Bugsbee was sitting on a clover near 3rd base hoping this would be the time. With his gloved arm stretched high above his head running toward the ball, Teddy knew he had it. Finally, he was going to catch one. Suddenly, he tripped. The ball fell to the ground and Teddy fell on top of a cluster of dandelions, and on top of a very well-fed bee. He screeched in pain. He was stung. The children laughed. Bugsbee was heartbroken. He knew his fellow bee didn’t intend to sting. Bugsbee wanted to fly to Teddy and introduce himself to the boy he watched for days catching baseballs. But Bugsbee knew he was no ordinary looking bee and didn’t want to frighten the boy. Bugsbee was a Bunny Bee. At least that is what his friends called him because he had extra fuzzy arms and legs, and big bunny ears. Still, Bugsbee wanted to tell Teddy that someday, somehow, he would take away the hurt from bug bites and bee stings.

For more than a few years, Bugsbee continued to go to the park and watch Teddy. He grew to like him more and more. With each bug season, Bugsbee grew increasingly nervous. He knew Teddy could get bitten again and he was concerned about the other children as well.

Time went on and when Bugbee got a little older he declared, “It’s time to end the tears!” And so Bugsbee flew out in pursuit of a solution. He visited hospitals, pharmacies and large department stores searching for a remedy. He asked advice from older wiser bees and mosquitoes. He even went so far as to bravely interview some of the world’s most notorious biting insects. Sadly, no one could offer a cure for the age-old problem of bug bites and stings.

Still, Bugsbee was a determined bee, but he was mostly driven by memories of those days under the sun watching Teddy and the other children in the park. He remembered the look on Teddy’s face when he was stung. It drove him to search further for a solution. So Bugsbee went to work setting up the first of many bee laboratories across the country. He experimented with various liquid ingredients in the hopes of finding a solution. After many sleepless nights, and well into the 11th hour one evening, something amazing happened. It was so wondrous and so magical, that from that moment on people everywhere could venture outside without trepidation.  That evening Bugsbee discovered the exact formula that instantly took away the stinging and hurt people felt after the bite. Therefore, he so named his formula, After Bite. Bugsbee announced the development of After Bite in the Daily Bee News; a newspaper with a wide following of bees and other insects. And from that day forward, Bugsbee, the Bunny Bee, was called The Professor.

With the creation of After Bite, the now famous Professor Bugsbee proudly embraced his youthful name of Bunny Bee. However, he knew his work was not done. “How can I get After Bite to all the families around the world?” he wondered. In time, bees from other parts of the nation heard about Professor Bugsbee and sought him out to learn how they too could become a bunny bee and help humans feel better about being outdoors. From the four corners of the nation these curious bees swarmed, settling in villages nearby Professor Bugsbee’s laboratory to learn which goggles to wear, how to be a bunny bee, and most importantly how to make After Bite. In time, After Bite laboratories were built in beehives all across the nation, and an army of bunny bees was formed. These benevolent bees create and package After Bite, and distribute it to pharmacies and other stores around the world.

Still, Professor Bugsbee felt there was one thing left to do. He knew people would come to love bees and other insects if they just knew more about them. “Education is the bees best friend,” thought Professor Bugsbee. So Professor Bugsbee decided to write the first known ‘Insect-lo-pedia’ to educate people about bees and other insects. It is from his archives that the valuable information in this coloring book has been gathered.

We hope you enjoy learning about Professor Bugsbee and other insects. Turn to the back page and you can read many of Professor Bugsbee’s wise old sayings that have been written down through the years by his very own students; the army of Bunny Bees that love to create After Bite for you and your family.